• Encouraging older children to read

    Encouraging older children to read

    Encouraging older children to read more can be a wonderful way to expand their knowledge, improve their language skills, and foster a love for learning. Here are some simple ways to encourage them to read more: Remember to be patient and understanding, as not every child will immediately take to reading. The goal is to…

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  • 10 ways to connect with your child after school:

    10 ways to connect with your child after school:

    connecting with your child after school is a great opportunity to catch up on their day and spend quality time together. Here are 10 ways to connect with your child after school: Remember that the goal is to create a comfortable and open atmosphere where your child feels encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.…

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  • Supporting a loved one as they recover from Autistic Burnout

    Supporting a loved one as they recover from Autistic Burnout

    Supporting a loved one through their journey of recovering from autistic burnout is a process that thrives on empathy, patience, and compassion, a journey i know only too well. This profound experience offers an opportunity to create a safe haven, fostering their healing and growth. Here, we share a heartfelt guide filled with gentle ways…

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  • Autistic Burnout -what is it,  causes, symptoms, recovery  -a simple guide

    Autistic Burnout -what is it, causes, symptoms, recovery -a simple guide

    Autism burnout refers to an overwhelming state experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum, wherein they become mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted due to prolonged exposure to significant stressors. It typically occurs when individuals face difficulties in meeting the social and sensory demands of their environment without adequate support or self-care. This is a very…

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  • Back to School Organisation Tips for Busy Families

    Back to School Organisation Tips for Busy Families

    Back-to-school season is upon us, and I’m here with a few tips in navigating this exciting yet often hectic time. I get it – juggling school schedules, extracurricular activities, and your own to-dos can feel like orchestrating a grand symphony. But fear not! In this blog post, we’re diving into some seriously savvy tips that’ll…

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  • Simple and effective ways to connect with your teenage child

    Simple and effective ways to connect with your teenage child

    Welcome, Wonderful Parents and Guardians! Ah, the teenage years—the time when the phrase “What’s up?” suddenly becomes a complex code that only Sherlock Holmes could decipher. If you’ve found yourself in the delightful maze of parenting a teenager, fear not! We’re here with a virtual hug and a big dose of understanding. Just like navigating…

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